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The Residency Project @ 1303


Cataloging without language; June 2023; Silverton, Colorado
Paper mache clay, nails, cast paper over gathered objects

Installation dimensions variable

blue granite

blue granite

unknown object; iron or steel

broken glass

broken bottle; neck

broken glass

sheet metal; rusted

blue granite

rusted nail

broken glass

broken glass

broken glass


broken glass

broken glass

broken glass

stone with pyrite​

stone with pyrite

drift wood; branch attachment

top of can; opened

broken bottle; bottom

broken bottle; bottom

shoe sole

sheet metal; crumpled

broken bottle; bottom, partia

broken glass; 4 pieces

metal button

rubber cap

sheet metal; rusted


broken bottle; bottom, partial


sheet metal; rusted, 2 pieces

axe; broken handle



shoe sole; heel, nails 

drift wood; branch

broken bottle; bottom, partial

broken bottle; missing two sides

rubber sheet


cut wood

drift wood

broken ceramic; glazed

blue granite

blue granite

sledge hammer

object unknown; rubber

plastic sandbag; shredded, partial

sheet metal; rusted, 2 pieces

shoe sole; heel

long chisel

unknown object; iron or steel

sheet metal; rusted, 2 pieces

broken bottle; bottom

broken bottle; neck


broken brick

bone fragment

blue granite

blue granite

broken tool; plastic, handle

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